Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings

Alexander, G. A., H. A. Holmes, J. Trousdell, I. Faloona, and H. J. Oldroyd. The Influence of Irrigated Soil Moisture on Modeled Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Simulated Flows in the San Joaquin Valley, California. American Meteorological Society 99th Annual meeting. Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 6-10 January 2019.

Drake, S., H. J. Oldroyd, A. Nolin, S. Weiss, K. Jennings, A. Greenwald, M. Johnson. A field study of mid-winter snowpack ablation at Sagehen Creek Field Station. 87th Annual Western Snow Conference. April 15-18, 2019. Reno, Nevada.

Drake, S., H. J. Oldroyd, A. Nolin, S. Weiss, K. Jennings, A. Greenwald, M. Johnson. Vapor Flux Variability Over Sub-Alpine Snow. 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly. 8-18 July 2019.

Faloona, I., D. Caputi, J. Trousdell, Z. Hu, A. Alexander, H. J. Oldroyd, and S. A. Conley. The Elemental Importance of Microscale, Mesoscale, and Synoptic Meteorology in Atmospheric Chemistry Studies: Examples from California's San Joaquin Valley. American Meteorological Society 99th Annual meeting. Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 6-10 January 2019.

Forrest, A.L., Ulloa, H., & Laval, B.E. Diurnal Cycling of Convective Plume Formation (Poster Presentation, Published Abstract), 21st Annual Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW) Workshop, Solothurn, Switzerland, August 20 – 24, 2018.

Forrest, A.L., Determining internal wave action in a large alpine lake using gliders, (Invited Speaker), EAWAG, Kastanienbaum, Switzerland, September, 5, 2018.

Forrest, A.L., O.S. Steiner, McInerney, J. (Invited Speaker), Rotationally driven mixing in large lakes, Rockland Turbulence Workshop, Lijiang, China Nov. 14 – 16, 2018.

Forrest, A.L., Climatic Eutrophication: Implications for lake systems through snowmelt timing, (Invited Speaker), IGB, Berlin, Germany, September, 6, 2018.

Forrest, A.L., Ulloa, H., & Laval, B.E.. Scaling Under-ice Convective Plumes (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), ELLS-IAGLR 2018, Evian, France, September 23 – 27, 2018.

Friedrichs, A. M., A. Forrest, H. J. Oldroyd, A. Hamilton, D. Mueller. Seasonal Variation of a Multi-Layer Exchange Flow in a Basal Channel below the Milne Ice Shelf. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall General Assembly, Washington, D.C., USA 11-15 December 2018.

Hang, C., M.G. Giometto, H. J. Oldroyd, E. R. Pardyjak, M. B, Parlange. Similarity function for katabatic flows from field observations. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall General Assembly, Washington, D.C., USA 11-15 December 2018.

Heard, AM, J Baron, S Sadro, C Charlton, A Smits. 2019. Sensitivity of Mountain Lakes to Increasing Algal Growth. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.

Heyvaert, A., Schladow, S.G. and Reuter, J.E.  Evaluation of Wildfire Smoke Fallout Effects on Lake Tahoe.  Nevada Water Resources Assn. Annual Meeting, September 25, 2018.

Johnston, SE, J Collins, A Boysen, C Soued, DE Butman, K Wickland, S Sadro, AE Ingalls, B Bergamaschi, L Windham-Myers, M Bogard. 2019. Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.

Lee, K., Austin, J., Forrest, A.L. and Schladow, S.G. How “Typical” is a Profile in a Large Lake?. European Large Lake Society and Internal Association of Great Lakes Conference, Evian, France; 23-28 September, 2018.

Loken,  LC, RA Dahlgren, E Van Nieuwenhuyse, and S. Sadro. 2019. Primary production in estuaries is complicated. Whole ecosystem experiments and multiple metabolism methods reveal nitrogen limitation in part of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Ecosystem. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.      

Maloney, P.E. White satin moth in the Lake Tahoe Basin of California and Nevada. California Forest Pest Council, Annual Meeting. Oral presentation. November 14, 2018

Maloney, P.E. The future of our forests: Bridging ecology and evolution. Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Seminar Series, Invited Speaker. June 20, 2019

McInerney, J., & Forrest, A.L.. Seasonality of internal wave action in a large alpine lake (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), 21st Annual Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW) Workshop, Solothurn, Switzerland, August 20 – 24, 2018.

McInerney, J., A.L. Forrest, S.G. Schladow. Seasonality of internal wave action in a large alpine lake, (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), 21st Annual Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW) Workshop, Solothurn, Switzerland, August 20 – 24, 2018.

Roberts, D., S.G. Schladow, A.L. Forrest. Real-time network of high-frequency littoral monitoring stations informs and supports nearshore research at Lake Tahoe, (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), ELLS-IAGLR 2018, Evian, France, September 23 – 27, 2018.

Sadro, S., JO Sickman, JM Melack, and A. Smits. 2019. Assessing environmental change at high-elevation in the Sierra Nevada of California: over 35 years of hydrological and limnological study from the Tokopah and Emerald Lake watersheds. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.

Schladow, S. G. The Meaning of Lake Restoration in the Face of Climate Change: The Case of Lake Tahoe. Montana Lakes Conference, Whitefish, MT, March 13-15, 2019

Schladow, S.G.  and Rueda,  F.J. Invited Talk: Updates on Reservoir Modelling and Evaporation Reduction from Floating Solar. International Floating Solar Symposium, Nov. 1-2 Nov, 2018, Singapore.

Sadro, S. and A Smits. 2019. Sensitivity of mountain lake thermal regimes to changing snowpacks mediated by lake and catchment features. AGU Chapman Conference.

Smits, A, S Sadro, J Dozier, and S Chandra. 2019. Sensitivity of Mountain Lake Thermal Regimes to Changing Snow-packs Mediated by Lake and Catchment Features. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.

Steiner, O.S., Forrest, A.L., McInerney, J., Baracchini, T., Lavanchy, S., Bouffard, D., & Wüest, A., (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract) Basin-scale gyres: Rotationally-driven mixing in Lake Geneva. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, Nov. 30 – Dec. 1, 2018.

Steiner, O.S., Forrest, A.L., McInerney, J., Baracchini, T., Lavanchy, S., Bouffard, D., & Wüest, A., (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract) Lateral variability of mixing in Lake Geneva. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 7 – 12, 2019.

Atkins, K., D. Roberts, P. Moreno, S. Hackley, G. Schladow, Modeling periphyton biomass distribution in Lake Tahoe. ASLO Victoria, BC. 10-15 June, 2018.

Chung, Se-Woong, S. G. Schladow, K. E. Reardon, Modeling a persistent counter-rotating double gyre in a stratified lake. Korean Society of Limnology, Gwangju City, Oct 18-19, 2017.

Coats, Robert, Goloka Sahoo, Mariza Costa-Cabral, Jack Lewis, Zachary Silber-Coats, and Geoffrey Schladow 2017.  Impacts of climate change in the Tahoe Basin. PACLIM, Asilomar CA.

Culpepper, J., Baron, J.; Sadro, S., Oleksy, I., Vinebrooke, R., Hampton, S.; Smits, A, Moser, K., Brahney, J., Strecker, A., Chandra, S., Williams, J., Fradkin, S., Nanus, L., Rosen, M, Noble, P.2018. A conceptual model for understanding the role of mountain lakes gradients on lakes. ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada.

Forrest, A.L. (Invited Speaker). Multi-Modal Autonomous Exploration of Ice-Ocean Interactions at an Antarctic Ice Shelf Front (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop, San Diego, CA, October 15-18, 2017.

Forrest, A.L., P. Dutrieux, W. S. Lee, C. Stevens, D. Haulsee, D. Guihen, C. Bongionvanni, N. Kemp. Distributions and fate of supercooled waters in Terra Nova Bay (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), Ocean Sciences, Portland, OR, February 11–16, 2018.

Friedrichs, D., A.L. Forrest, H. Oldroyd, A. Hamilton, D. Mueller. Freshwater-Seawater and Heat Exchange in a Basal Channel Below the Milne Ice Shelf, Ellesmere Island, Canada (Poster Presentation, Published Abstract), Ocean Sciences, Portland, OR, February 11–16, 2018.

Loken, L.C., R. A. Dahlgren, E. Van Nieuwenhuyse, and S. Sadro. 2018. Nitrogen and light co-limitation of primary production in the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta. American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C.

McInerney, J., A.L. Forrest. Trapped Internal Waves as a Mechanism for Sediment Resuspension in a Deep Alpine Lake, Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop, San Diego, CA, October 15-18, 2017.

McInerney, J., K.W. Lee, S.G. Schladow, A.L. Forrest. Quantifying spatial variability in a deep, sub-alpine lake (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), 20th International Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW) Workshop, Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Finland, August 21 – 25, 2017.

Roberts, Derek C., Heather M. Sprague and S. Geoffrey Schladow Spatial and temporal variability in the expression and impact of barotropic seiches in a large lake, ASLO Victoria, BC. 10-15 June, 2018.

Roberts, D., S.G. Schladow, A.L. Forrest. Real-time network of high-frequency littoral monitoring stations informs and supports nearshore research at Lake Tahoe (Oral Presentation, Published Abstract), ELLS-IAGLR 2018, Evian, France, September 23 – 27, 2018.

Sadro, S.; Smits, A.; Sickman, J. 2018. Hydrological and biological controls drive changes in DOM in mountain lakes. ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada.

Sadro, S., J. Piovia-Scott, C.E. Nelson, J.O. Sickman, and R. Knapp. 2017. How interactions between top-down and bottom-up controls on carbon cycling affect fluxes within and from lakes. American Geophysical Union, New Orelans, LA.

Schladow, S. G. Reservoir Modelling and Quantifying Evaporation Reduction Effect of Floating Solar, INVITED PRESENTATION. First International Floating Solar Symposium (IFSS), Singapore, October 24-26, 2017.

Schladow, S. G. Keynote Address: Revisiting Lake Management in the Face of Climate Change: The Case of Lake Tahoe, USA, International Scientific Symposium on Water Resources Management and Comprehensive Reclamation of River Basins, Nanjing, China, 17-19 November, 2017.

Schladow, S. G. Invited Talk: Shifting Perceptions on Water Resources Management from the 19th to the 21st Century: The Case Study of Lake Tahoe, CA-NV, USA, XXII Brazilian Symposium on Water Resources 26 Nov.-1 Dec., 2017, Florianopolis, Brazil.

Smits, A., Sadro, S., MacIntyre, S., Melack, J. 2018. Multiple mechanisms dictate lake thermal responses to changing snowpacks in mountain regions. ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada.

Tung, A., J. Phillips, P. Lehman, S. Sadro, R. Dahlgren, and J. Durand. 2018. Primary production across a managed wetland-slough complex. Bay-Delta Conference. Sacramento, CA.

TERC62-002. Goldman, C.R. 1962. Primary productivity and micro-nutrient limiting factors in some North American and New Zealand lakes. Proc., 15th Internat. Congress of Limnology.

TERC63-003. Goldman, C.R. 1963. The measurement of primary productivity and limiting factors in freshwater with Carbon-14, p. 103-113. In: M.S. Doty (ed.), Proc., Conf. on Primary Productivity Measurement, Marine and Freshwater. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report No. TID-7633.

TERC63-008. Goldman, C.R. 1963. A rapid field technique for determining micronutrient limiting factors in freshwater with notes on the use of gas phase in calibration of C-14 productivity experiments. Abstracts, Symp. New Methods of Determining Biogenic and Organic Substances in Water and Organisms. Czech. Acad. Sci.

TERC64-004. Goldman, C.R. 1964. Integration of field and laboratory experiments in productivity studies, p. 18. In Proc., Conf. on Estuaries, Jekyll Island, GA. (Abstract)

TERC64-006. Goldman, C.R. 1964. Some experimental approaches to the ecology of freshwater phytoplankton, p. 243. Proc., 10th Internat. Botanical Congress, Experimental Ecology.

TERC65-004. Goldman, C.R. 1965. An invited discussion of Pollution Phases of Lake Bled by Professor J. Sketelj and Dr. Marjan Rejic for the Second Internat. Conf. on Water Pollution Res. In O. Jaag (ed.), Advances in Water Pollution Res. 1:363-366. Pergamon Press.

TERC65-005. Goldman, C.R. 1965. Micronutrient limiting factors and their detection in natural phytoplankton populations. Supplement, p. 121-135. In Proc., IBP Symp. on Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments, Pallanza, Italy. Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 18.

TERC66-001. Goldman, C.R. (ed.). 1966. Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments. Proc., Internat. Biological Programme Symp., Pallanza, Italy. Univ. California Press, Berkeley, 464 p. TERC70-007. Goldman, C.R. 1970. Taconite tailings as a biostimulant for algal growth in Lake Superior. Included in Aug. 1970 Proc., Conf. on the Matter of Pollution of Lake Superior and its Tributary Bases; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan. FWQA, U.S. GPO.

TERC70-008. Goldman, C.R. 1970. Photosynthetic efficiency and diversity of a natural phytoplankton population in Castle Lake, California, p. 507-517. In Prediction and Measurement of Photosynthetic Productivity. Proc., IBP/PP Technical Meeting, Trebon, Czechoslovakia.

TERC72-011. Goldman, C.R. and R.L. Leonard. 1972. The lake microcosm: An ecosystem out of balance, p. 251-254. In Proc. Western Agricultural Econ. Assoc., Squaw Valley, CA.

TERC73-006. Goldman, C.R. 1973. Ecology and physiology of the California crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) in relation to its suitability for introduction into European waters, p. 106-119. In S. Abrahamsson (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish: Papers from the First Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish.

TERC75-001. Goldman, C.R. and E. de Amezaga. 1975. Primary productivity in the littoral zone of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, p. 49-62. In Symp. on Limnology of Shallow Waters. Biological Res. Inst., Hungarian Acad. Sci. No. 15.

TERC75-009. Goldman, C.R., N. Williams and A. Horne. 1975. Prospects for micronutrient control of algal populations, p. 97-105. In P.L. Brezonik and J.L. Fox (eds.), Proc., Symp. on Water Quality Management through Biological Control. Univ. Florida, Gainesville, FL. No. ENV-07-1.

TERC76-003. Goldman, C.R., J.C. Rundquist and R.W. Flint. 1976. Ecological studies of the California crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, with emphasis on their growth from recycling waste products, p. 481-487. In J.W. Avault, Jr. (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish II: Papers from the Second Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish.

TERC77-003. Richards, R.C. and C.R. Goldman. 1977. Limnology of California's high mountain lakes, p. 1-8. In Symp. on the Management of High Mountain Lakes in California's National Parks. California Trout, Inc.

TERC77-005. Kimmel, B.L. and C.R. Goldman. 1977. Production, sedimentation, and accumulation of particulate carbon and nitrogen in a sheltered subalpine lake, p. 148-155. In H.L. Golterman (ed.), Interactions Between Sediments and Freshwater. Proc., SIL-UNESCO Symp. on Interactions between Sediments and Freshwater. Pudoc.-Junk, Wageningen.

TERC78-001. Goldman, C.R. and B.L. Kimmel. 1978. Biological processes associated with suspended sediment and detritus in lakes and reservoirs, p. 19-44. In J. Cairns, Jr., E.F. Benefield and J.R. Webster (eds.), Current Perspectives on River-Reservoir Ecosystems. Proc., 25th Annual Meeting, North Amer. Benthol. Soc.

TERC78-012. Paulson, L.J. and C.R. Goldman. 1978. Acoustic estimation of the distribution and abundance of catchable brook and rainbow trout in Castle Lake, California, p. 19-31. In J.R. Moring (ed.), Proc., Wild Trout--Catchable Trout Symp., Eugene, OR.

TERC79-002. Shimizu, S.J. and C.R. Goldman. 1979. Population dynamics and production estimates of the California crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), in the Sacramento River. AIBS Special Symp. on Crayfish Ecology, Stillwater, OK.

TERC79-003. Rundquist, J.C. and C.R. Goldman. 1979. Growth and food conversion efficiency of juvenile Pacifastacus leniusculus along a salinity gradient, p. 105-114. In P.J. Laurent (ed.) Freshwater Crayfish IV, Thonon-les-Bains, France.

TERC80-002. Redfield, G.W. and C.R. Goldman. 1980. Participation in evening ascent by the sexes and life history stages of limnetic copepod. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. winter meeting, Los Angeles, CA. (Abstract)

TERC82-006. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman. 1982. The recent history of Lake Tahoe. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 63(45):965.

TERC82-007. Hoenicke, R. and C.R. Goldman. 1982. Zooplankton survival strategies in a low-food environment. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 63(45):939. (Abstract)

TERC82-008. Priscu, J.C., R.P. Axler, R.G. Carlton, J.E. Reuter, P.A. Arneson, and C.R. Goldman. 1982. Vertical profiles of primary productivity, biomass and physico-chemical properties in meromictic Big Soda Lake, Nevada, U.S.A. Hydrobiologia 96:113-120.

TERC83-004. Goldman, C.R., E. de Amezaga and R. Leonard. 1983. Long term changes in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. 15th Congress, Pacific Science Assoc. Vol. 1:94.

TERC83-005. Leonard, R.L. and C.R. Goldman. 1983. Land use and catchment characteristics in relation to quality of surface runoff flowing into Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. 15th Congress, Pacific Science Assoc. Vol. 1:144.

TERC83-006. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman. 1983. Environmental influences on nitrogen metabolism by phytoplankton in a subalpine lake. 15th Congress, Pacific Science Assoc. Vol. 2:190.

TERC83-013. Goldman, C.R. (Editor). 1983. Freshwater Crayfish V. Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT. 569 p.

TERC83-014. Goldman, C.R. 1983. Preface, p. xvii-xix. In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V. Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.

TERC83-015. Shimizu, S. and C.R. Goldman. 1983. Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) production in the Sacramento River, p. 210-228. In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V. Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA. AVI Publ., Westport, CT.

TERC83-016. Sommer, T.R. and C.R. Goldman. 1983. The crayfish Procambarus clarkii from California ricefields: Ecology, problems and potential for harvest, p. 418-428. In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V. Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.

TERC83-017. Klosterman, B.J. and C.R. Goldman. 1983. Substrate selection behavior of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, p. 254-267. In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V. Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.

TERC83-018. Rundquist, J.C. and C.R. Goldman. 1983. Methodological considerations for quantitative determination of consumption for the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, p. 27-42. In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V. Papers from Fifth Internat. Symp. Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.

TERC84-014. Paulsen, S.G. and C.R. Goldman. 1984. Rates of potential denitrification in an N-deficient, subalpine lake. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 65(45):914.

TERC84-015. Levitan, C., M.D. White, P.E. Sawyer and C.R. Goldman. 1984. Mysis predation in sub-surface enclosures, Lake Tahoe. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 65(45):903.

TERC84-016. Strub, P.T., T.M. Powell and C.R. Goldman. 1984. Climatic forcing: effects of El Nino on a small, temperate, subalpine lake. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 65(45):909.

TERC85-003. Strub, P.T., T.M. Powell and C.R. Goldman. 1985. Climatic forcing: effects of El Nino on a small lake, p. 70. Proc., Workshop on Climate Variability of the Eastern North Pacific and Western North America, Pacific Grove, CA.

TERC85-004. Goldman, C.R. 1985. Climatic effects over the last twenty five years on the productivity of Castle Lake and Lake Tahoe (lake eutrophication), p. 76. Proc., Workshop on Climate Variability of the Eastern North Pacific and Western North America, Pacific Grove, CA.

TERC85-009. Gersberg, R.M., S.R. Lyon, B.V. Elkins and C.R. Goldman. 1985. The removal of heavy metals by artificial wetlands, p. 639-647. Proc., Water Reuse Symp. III, AWWA, San Diego.

TERC86-006. Reuter, J.E., P.D. Vaux and C.R. Goldman. 1986. Ecological impacts of sediment transport to tropical reservoirs, p. 1992-1996. Proc., World Water Issues in Evolution, ASCE.

TERC86-009. Aloi, J.E., S.L. Loeb, S.H. Hackley, C.R. Goldman and A.T. Aloi. 1986. Underwater research methodologies for limnological investigations at Lake Tahoe, CA-NV: periphyton, groundwater and zooplankton studies, p. 313-317. Proc., Joint Internat. Scientific Diving Symp., La Jolla, CA.

TERC86-011. Paulsen, S.G., J.E. Reuter, C.R. Goldman, R.P. Axler and R.G. Carlton. 1986. The importance of benthic communities in regulating water column nitrogen dynamics in lakes. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 67(44):975.

TERC86-012. Varnhagen, E., E. Byron and C.R. Goldman. 1986. Factors controlling Bosmina population growth in Lake Tahoe. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 67(44):986.

TERC86-013. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman. 1986. Long-term changes in the atmospheric deposition of acid and nutrients at Lake Tahoe, CA-NV. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 67(44):986.

TERC88-004. Goldman, C.R., S.G. Paulsen and J.E. Reuter. 1988. The use of wetlands for water quality control, p. 8-22. In Innovative Water Conservation, Proc., 42nd annual conf., Calif. Assn. Resource Conservation Districts, South Lake Tahoe, CA.

TERC88-006. Goldman, C.R. 1988. Primary productivity in lakes Castle and Tahoe: long-term trends and year-to-year variation, p. 10. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Boulder, CO.

TERC88-007. Goldman, C.R. 1988. Summary of Pacific Division AAAS Crater Lake symposium and comparisons with the early stages of the eutrophication of Lake Tahoe. Proc., PDAAAS 69th annual meeting, Corvallis, OR. Vol. 7(1):30.

TERC88-016. Paaby, P. and C.R. Goldman. 1988. Attached primary producers in a Costa Rican rainforest stream. 73rd annual meeting, Ecol. Soc. Amer. 69(2):252.

TERC89-009. Goldman, C.R. 1989. The importance of establishing long term environmental research, p. 250-275. In B. Keenan et al. (eds.), Proc., Symp. on "Science, Universities, and the Environment". Univ. Chicago.

TERC90-001. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman. 1990. The estimation of direct wet and dry atmospheric deposition to large lakes: Lessons from Lake Tahoe, p. 327-336. In I.G. Poppoff et al. (eds.), Internat. Mountain Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.

TERC90-002. Marjanovic, P. and C.R. Goldman. 1990. Modeling long-term eutrophication processes at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, p. 478-493. In I.G. Poppoff et al. (eds.), Internat. Mountain Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.

TERC90-003. Elser, J.J., H.J. Carney, and C.R. Goldman. 1990. Nutrient supply and demand in pelagic ecosystems: A comparison of three large lakes, p. 528-543. In I.G. Poppoff et al. (eds.), Internat. Mountain Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, Tahoe Res. Cons. District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.

TERC90-004. Goldman, C.R. 1990. Long-term limnological research at Lake Tahoe, p. 464-477. In I.G. Poppoff et al. (eds.), Internat. Mountain Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.

TERC90-014. Goldman, C.R., F. Lubnow, and J. Elser. 1990. Environmental effect of calcium magnesium acetate on natural phytoplankton populations in ten Sierra Nevada and Klamath mountain lakes, p. 9-19. In C.R. Goldman and G.J. Malyj (eds.), The Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing. Inst. Ecology Publ. No. 33, Univ. California, Davis.

TERC91-001. Coats, R.N. and C.R. Goldman. 1991. Nitrogen transport in subalpine streams, Lake Tahoe basin, California and Nevada. Extended abstracts, Second Internat. Symp. on Environmental Geochemistry, September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden.

TERC91-005. Goldman, C.R. 1991. Primary productivity and nutrient limitation in Lake Baikal, USSR, p. 6. Proc., 11th Internat. Symp. North Amer. Lake Management Soc. (Abstract) TERC92-002. Goldman, C.R., A.D. Jassby, and T.M. Powell. 1992. Sources of variability in the primary productivity record at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting. (Abstract)

TERC92-003. Jassby, A.D. and C.R. Goldman. 1992. Meteorological signals in primary productivity at two mountain lakes, p. 71-80. In K.T. Redmond (ed.), Proc., Eighth Annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop. Calif. Dept. of Water Resources IESP Tech. Rpt. 31.

TERC92-004. Reuter, J.E., E.R. Marzolf, and C.R. Goldman. 1992. Water quality treatment of surface runoff in a natural subalpine meadow: case study from the Lake Tahoe basin, California, p. 17-35. In The Environment Is Our Future, Proc. of Conference XXIII, Internat. Erosion Control Assoc., Steamboat Springs, CO.

TERC93-011. Goldman, C.R. and A.D. Jassby. 1993. Sources of variability in annual primary productivity at two mountain lakes. Collected extended abstracts from EAWAG Workshop on the Importance of External Perturbations for Short- and Long-Term Changes in Large Lake Ecosystems, Konstanz, Germany.

TERC94-004. Carney, H.J., D.A. Hunter, and C.R. Goldman. 1994. Seasonal, interannual and long-term dynamics of planktonic diatoms in oligotrophic Lake Tahoe, p. 621-629. In J.P. Kociolek (ed.), Proc., 11th International Diatom Symposium. Calif. Acad. Sci. ISBN 0-940228-34-3.

TERC96-002. Reuter, J.E., C.R. Goldman, M.E. Lebo, A.D. Jassby, R.C. Richards, S.H. Hackley, D.A. Hunter, P.A. King, M. Palmer, E. de Amezaga, B.C. Allen, G.J. Malyj, S. Fife and A.C. Heyvaert. 1996. University contribution to lake and watershed management: Case studies from the western United States - Lake Tahoe and Pyramid Lake, p. 140-144. Proceedings, Watershed '96. Water Environment Federation, ISBN 1-57278-028-2.

TERC96-003. Goldman, C.R. and D.G. Slotton. 1996. Mercury contamination in California: A mining legacy, p. 145-154. In J.J. DeVries and J. Woled (eds.), Making the Connections: Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Ground Water Conf. Water Resources Center Report No. 88, Univ. California, Davis.

TERC97-005. Reuter, J.E., M.E. Lebo, A.D. Jassby and C.R. Goldman. 1997. Nutrient limitation as a determinant of watershed management strategy. Proceedings, 5th National Watershed Conference. National Watershed Coalition, Lakewood, Colorado.

TERC99-005. Goldman, C.R., J.E. Reuter, A.D. Jassby, M.L. Kavvas and G. Schladow. 1999. An integrated watershed approach to evaluate and model ecosystem effects of erosion and pollutant transport in urbanized subalpine landscapes, p. 29. In Proceedings, 1999 Water and Watersheds Program Review. EPA/NSF Partnership for Environmental Research, Silver Spring, MD.

TERC03-007. Meidav, J.S.E., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman. 2003. Watershed effects of prescribed fire in mixed-conifer ecosystems: a case study from the Lake Tahoe basin, p. 182-191. In K.E.M. Galley, R.C. Klinger and H.G. Sugihara (eds.), Proceedings of Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Management. Misc. Publ. No. 13, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.

TERC05-006. Cheong, T. S., Schladow, S. G. and Seo, I. W. 2005. Design and placement of levee breaches to maximize the suspended sediment trapping in rivers. Proceedings XXXI IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea, September 11-16, 2005.

TERC08-020. Sahoo, G.B., Schladow, S.G., Reuter, J.E., 2008. Response of water clarity in Lake Tahoe (CA-NV) to watershed and atmospheric load. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, Arizona. In press.