Dissertations and Theses

PhD Dissertations (reverse chronological)

Valbuena Mateus (2023). Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Coriolis Force Effects on Lake Physical Processes and Water Quality Dynamics.

Karen Suzanne Atkins (2021). The Drivers of Periphyton Blooms in Oligotrophic Lakes.

Andrew J. Stang (2020). Impacts of Hydrodynamic Processes on Pelagic Fish Habitat in Clear Lake, CA.

Kyungwoo Lee (2020). Quantifying and Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Variability in a Large Lake.

Derek Roberts (2019). Physical Processes in the Littoral Zone of a Large Lake and the Implications for Water Quality.

Kristin Reardon (2014). Nearshore Sediment Resuspension at Lake Tahoe.

Daniel Nover (2012). Fine Particles in Watersheds: Measurement, Watershed Sources, and Technologies for Removal.

Stephen Andrews (2010). Measurement and Interpretation of Light Scattering by Suspended Particulates in an Oligotrophic Lake.

Laura DiPalermo (2010). A Three-dimensional Water Quality Model for Estuary Environments.

Todd Steissberg (2008). Remote Sensing of the Surface Layer Dynamics of a Stratified Lake.

Kemal Ger (2008). Extent of Acute, Chronic, and Nutritional Impacts of Microcystis Aeruginosa Blooms on the Calanoid Copepods of the Upper San Francisco Estuary.

Rene Henery (2008). Multi-Scale Connectivity Dynamics and Pacific Salmonids: Opportunities for Ecological Rehabilitation. 

Joshua Simcha Ethan Meidav (2008) Vegetation, Landscape, Management, and Restoration Effects on Sediment and Nutrient Transport in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Eu Gene Chung (2007). Modeling Sediment Resuspension Linkages to Nutrient Cycles in a Shallow, Eutrophic Lake: Case Study of the Salton Sea.

Matthew Daniel Schlesinger (2007). Landbird Demography and Community Structure Along an Urbanization Gradient in the Lake Tahoe Basin. 

James C. Trask (2007) Resolving hydrologic water balances through novel error analysis, with focus on inter-annual and long-term variability in the Tahoe Basin.

Michael Barad (2006). An Adaptive Cartesian Grid Projection Method for Environmental Flows.

Solomon Dobrowski (2005). On the Integration of Ecology in Remote Sensing Science. 

Sveinn O. Pálmarsson (2004). Boundary Processes and Particle Flux in a Stratified Lake.

Ted Swift (2004). The Aquatic Optics of Lake Tahoe, California – Nevada.

Sudeep Chandra (2003). The impact of nonnative species and cultural eutrophication on the Lake Tahoe food web over time.

Dorothea Panayotou (2003). Aquatic insects in Tahoe basin streams: the link between stream restoration and biological assessment.

Elise Kelley (2003). Differences in Vegetation Structure, Species Composition, and Soil Microbial Communities Among Forests of Different Successional Ages and Types in the Lake Tahoe Basin. 

Andrew P. Stubblefield (2002). Spatial and temporal dynamics of watershed sediment delivery, Lake Tahoe, California.

William E. Fleenor (2001). Effects and Control of Plunging Inflows on Reservoir Hydrodynamics and Downstream Releases.

Joaquim Perez-Losada (2001). A Deterministic Model for Lake Clarity: Application to Management of Lake Tahoe, (California-Nevada), USA.

Francisco J. Rueda (2001). A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Model for Lake Environments.

John C. Warner (2000). Barotropic and Baroclinic Convergence Zones in Tidal Channels.

Stephen A. McCord (1999). The Effects of Artificial Mixing on Lake Water Quality.

SangKyu Park (1999). Essential fatty acids and phosphorus content as food quality indices for zooplankton dynamics: implications for energy and material flows in freshwater pelagic ecosystems.

Xiaoping Li (1998). Iron cycling and its effect on algal growth in Clear Lake, California.

Alan Heyvaert (1998). The biogeochemistry and paleolimnology of sediments from Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Anke Mueller-Solger (1998). Linking the classical and the microbial components of aquatic food webs: the role of protozoa in lakes.

Lorin Hatch (1997). The generation, transport, and fate of phosphorus in the Lake Tahoe ecosystem.

Dean Messer (1995). The influence of riparian vegetation on stream macroinvertebrate community structure in an old growth forest.

Catherine Rhodes (1995). Plankton ecology in a desert saline lake with emphasis on diazotrophic cyanobacteria.

Tjut Djohan (1994). Nutrient dynamics in a subalpine wetland of California.

Fred Lubnow (1994). An evaluation of several ecological and physiological indicators used in determining the nutrient deficiencies of the natural, mid-summer assemblages of bacteria and phytoplankton in a subalpine lake.

Alexander Njue (1993). The Tana river floodplain forest, Kenya: hydrologic and edaphic factors as determinants of vegetation structure and function.

Erich Marzolf (1991). The mechanisms of benthic nitrogen regeneration and their importance to subalpine, Castle Lake, California.

Darell Slotton (1991). Mercury bioaccumulation in a newly impounded northern California reservoir.

Michael White (1990). Horizontal distribution of zooplankton in relation to predation gradients. 

James Elser (1989). Nutrients, algae, and grazers: complex interactions in lake ecosystems. 

Prvoslav Marjanovic (1989). Mathematical modeling of eutrophication processes in Lake Tahoe: water budget, nutrient budget and model development. PhD Dissertation.

Jeffrey J. Janik (1988). Nutrient recycling in Castle Lake, California: phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions. 127 p.

Pia Paaby (1988). Light and nutrient limitation in a Costa Rican lowland stream. 194 p.

Gladys Yong-Chu Stewart (1988). The role of the colonization by a herbivore Daphnia pulex on the zooplankton community of tropical Lake Yure (Honduras), 1980-1986.

Heath J. Carney (1987). Phytoplankton dynamics in large temperate and tropical lakes: two case studies.

Steve Paulsen (1987). Contributions of sediment denitrification to the nitrogen cycle of Castle Lake, Ca.

Jane E. Aloi (1986). The ecology and primary productivity of the eulittoral epilithon community: Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Peter Vaux (1985). The ecology of the freshwater fishes of central Honduras.

Jonathon P. Zehr (1985). Dissolved organic nitrogen dynamics and bacterial amino acid metabolism in Castle Lake, California.

Christopher Knud-Hansen (1983). Fate of particulate organic matter in a developing tropical reservoir.

Rainer Hoenicke (1983). Mechanisms for coexistence of zooplankton and their population response to changing food sources in Castle Lake, California.

Reuter, John E. Reuter (1983). Studies of nitrogen assimilation of the epilithic periphyton community in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Thomas Gregory Coon (1982). Coexistence in a guild of benthic stream fishes: the effects of disturbance. 

Carol Lynn Folt (1982). The effects of species interactions on the feeding and mortality of zooplankton.

Obed Ogho Odoemelam (1982). The morphological diversity of the species of Plarictomyces in Mrak Pond and the growth of isolates on the products of cyanobacterial growth.

John Charles Priscu (1982). Physiological Ecology of Castle Lake phytoplankton: a Comparison of Shallow and Deep-Water Communities.

Stanford Loeb (1980). The production of the epilithic periphyton community of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Richard Axler (1979). Inorganic nitrogen uptake by phytoplankton in Castle Lake, California.

Mark Morgan (1979). The dynamics of an introduced population of Mysis relicta (Loven) in Emerald Bay and Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Redfield, Garth Redfield (1979). Temporal variation in diel vertical migration and the ecology of zooplankton in Castle Lake, California.

Coil, John Coil (1978). Spatial heterogeneity of selected nutrients in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada).

Roderick W. Hoffman (1978). The use of multiple parameter flume bioassays to assess the impact of effluent loadings on the aufwuch community of a sub-alpine river (Truckee River, California- Nevada).

Rybock, James Rybock (1978). Mysis relicta loven in Lake Tahoe: vertical distribution and nocturnal predation.

Vincent, Warwick Vincent (1977). Ecophysiological studies on the aphotic phytoplankton of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Bruce Kimmel (1977). Nutrient transfers associated with seston sedimentation and sediment formation in Castle Lake, California.

Richard Gersberg (1977). Denitrification studies of Castle Lake, California utilizing the radioisotope nitrogen-13.

Larry Paulson (1977). The significance of ammonia regeneration by Brook and Rainbow trout on phytoplankton productivity in Castle Lake, California.

Michael Perkins (1976). The influence of epilithic periphyton upon phosphorus flow in a subalpine stream.

Frank Sanders (1976). An investigation of carbon flux in the sediment of Castle Lake.

R. Warren Flint (1975). The natural history, ecology and production of the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in a subalpine lacustrine environment.

Peter A. Neame (1975). Benthic oxygen and phosphorus dynamics in Castle Lake, California.

Noel W. Williams (1975). The ecology of the zooplankton of Castle Lake, California.

Elisabeth Stull (1972). Autoradiographic measurement of the primary productivity of individual species of algae from Castle Lake, California.

Jeffrey Richey (1974). Phosphorus dynamics in Castle Lake, California.

John Elder (1974). Trace metals and their incorporation into biological and chemical processes in a subalpine stream in the Lake Tahoe watershed.

Alan Jassby (1973). The ecology and hypolimnetic bacteria in Castle Lake, California.

Hans Paerl (1973). The regulation of heterogrophic activity by environmental factors at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Yen-ting Yang (1973). Primary production and extracellular release by phytoplankton in Castle Lake, California.

Pierre Kleiber (1972). The dynamics of extracellular, dissolved organic material in the sediments of Lake Marion, British Columbia.

Richard Armstrong (1969). Phytoplankton community structure and succession in Castle Lake, California.

Richerson, Peter Richerson (1969). Community ecology of Lake Tahoe plankton.

Kenneth Wilson Beatty (1968). An ecological study of the benthos of Castle Lake, California.

John Stanley Carlson (1968). Primary productivity and population dynamics of zooplankton in Castle Lake, California.

Milton George Tunzi (1967). The effects of dissolved organic matter upon the growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Scenedesmus quadricauda.

David Thomas Mason (1966). Limnology of Mono Lake, California.

Richard Nearn Barnes (1962). An ecological study of lacustrine planktonic associations.

Robert George Wetzel (1962). A comparative study of the primary productivity of higher aquatic plants, periphyton and phytoplankton in a saline lake.

MS Theses, Projects, and Reports (reverse chronological)

Drew Stang (2020). Impacts of Hydrodynamic Processes on Pelagic Fish Habitat in Clear Lake, CA.

Amelia Jones (2018). Error and Variability in Metabolism Estimates from a Stratified, Oligotrophic Lake (Lake Tahoe, CA/NV).

Derek Roberts (2018). Observations and modeling of the surface seiches of Lake Tahoe, USA

Heather Sprague (2017). Identifying Effects of Basin-Scale Waves on Hypolimnetic Dissolved Oxygen: A Coherence Analysis.

Tom Mathis (2015). Combining Heat and Mass Flux Methods for Estimating Real-Time Evaporation from a Water Surface.

Paul Stumpner (2014). Controls on Exchange Flow between Emerald Bay and Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.

Adrienne Aiona (2013). Can a Constructed Stormwater Facility Remove Fine Particles from Urban Runoff?

Kristen Fauria (2013). Fine Particle Capture by Synthetic Vegetation in a Laboratory Flume.

Courtney Siu (2012). Fine Particle Deposition on Lake Tahoe.

Bridget M. Tracy (2011). Carbon Fluxes and Carbon Loading at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Matt Zelin (2011). Characterization of Fine Sediment In Urban Runnoff In Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Alexa C. La Plante (2008). Exchange Flows Between the Tahoe Keys Embayments and Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Simone Sebalo (2008). Compost Toilets as an Alternative to the Honeybucket in a Rural Alaska Native Village.

Stephen Andrews (2007). Development and Application of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model for Riverine Floodplain Environments.

Eric Booth (2006). Hydrologic Variability of the Cosumnes River Floodplain.

Laura DiPalermo (2006). Primary Productivity and Oxygen Dynamics in a Nutrient Enriched Estuary.

Jehan Fugitt (2006). Selenium Mass Balance and Modeling in Agricultural Evaporation Basins.

Lee Geuthle (2006). Adoption of Satellite Based Meteorological Data for Improved Water Temperature Modeling.

David Jassby (2006). Modeling, Measurement and Microscopy Characterizing the Particles of Lake Tahoe.

Raffi Moughamian (2005). Water Quality Modeling and Monitoring in the California North Delta Area.

Alexander A. Rabidoux (2005). Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Fine Particles and Elemental Concentrations in Suspended Sediments in Lake Tahoe Streams, California-Nevada.

Todd Steissberg (2005). Characterizing upwelling and surface circulation at Lake Tahoe using thermal infrared imagery.

Rachel Terpstra (2005). Presence and characterization of biotic particles and limnetic aggregates in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Belen Marti-Cardona (2004). Relationship among Fish Kills, Upwellings and Wind Patterns in the Salton Sea.

Banu Sunman (2004). Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Particle Concentration and Composition in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Scott Heald (2003). Modeling MTBE and BTEX in lakes and reservoirs used for recreational boating.

Randall Bowersox (2002). Design of a Destratification System to Control Algae in a Tidal Channel.

Chris T. Hammersmark (2002). Hydrodynamic Modeling and GIS Analysis of the Habitat Potential and Flood Control Benefits of the Restoration of a Leveed Delta Island.

Marie Liu (2002). Atmospheric deposition of phosphorus and particles to Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.

Stephen Blake (2001). An Unsteady Hydraulic Surface Water Model of the Lower Cosumnes River, California for the Investigation of Floodplain Dynamics.

Jessica Thomas (2001). Predicting Meander dynamics of the Sacramento River.

Jenny Coker (2000). Optical Water Quality of Lake Tahoe.

Josh Meidav (2000). Watershed effects of prescribed fire in mixed conifer ecosystems: a case study from the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Sonia Oton (2000). Estimate the Acid Mine Drainage from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine (CA) using Tracer Experiments.

Lisa Penaska (2000). GPS-Tracked Drogues for Use in Coastal and Lake Studies.

Sveinn O. Pálmarsson (2000). Littoral Water Currents in a Shallow Lake.

Kelley Thompson (2000). Winter Mixing Dynamics and Deep Mixing in Lake Tahoe.

Katey Walter (2000). Ecosystem effects of the invasion of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) at Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.

Ryan Wilbur (2000). Particle Tracking Model Validation.

Robert DuVall (1999). Evaluation of microbial products used in lake management.

Andreas F. Krause (1999). Modeling the Flood Hydrology of Wetlands using HEC-HMS.

Michelle Lynch (1996). Seasonal variations in lake mixing: Clear Lake, California.

Stephen A. McCord (1995). Modeling Iron, Manganese, and Sulfur under Anaerobic Conditions in Freshwater Reservoirs.

Eliza Sater (1995). Seasonal nutrient limitation at four high altitude, shallow reservoirs of the Tahoe Basin and Northern Nevada.

Robert Richards (1989). Comparative limnology of small lakes on the Sacramento-Trinity River Divide of northern California.

Gwen Starrett (1989). Prey selectivity of the Clear Lake gnat, Chaoborus astictopus.

Fred Blatt (1988). Effects of decreased pH on phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacterioplankton in Castle Lake, CA

Cynthia Hagley (1988) The ecology and nutrient cycling of macrophytes in Castle Lake, California

Elizabeth Varnhagen (1987). Factors limiting the population growth of Bosmina longirostris in Lake Tahoe.

Peter Sawyer (1985). The predatory behavior and distribution of Mysis relicta in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. 

Judith Lane (1983). The responses of different size classes of phytoplankton to nutrient enrichment in oligotrophic lakes.

Ted Robert Sommer (1982). The ecology of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii from California rice fields and their potential for harvest.

Scott Howard Hackley (1982). The effects of highway deicing agents on the autotrophic and heterotrophic communities of Lake Tahoe.

Richard Gray Carlton (1982). The role of sediments in the nutrient dynamics of Castle Lake, California. 

Patricia Arneson (1979). Effects of nutrient enrichment on the natural phytoplankton of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Thomas Gregory Coon (1978). The deep chlorophyll maximum of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.

Penelope Kellar (1978). A study of growth and nitrogen-fixation in Azolla filiculoides var. rubra (R. Br.~ Strasb. in La Ngahewa, New Zealand.

Robert-David Thomson (1977). Species specific response to nutrients in Lake Tahoe's natural phytoplankton population. 

Eric McLaughlin. (1974) Allochthonous iron and sediment deposition in a Lake Tahoe harbor.

John Coil (1971). Primary productivity and limiting nutrients in a Lake Tahoe harbor.

Michael Crane Swift (1968). A quantitative and qualitative study of trout food in Castle Lake, California. 

Yen-ting Yang (1967). Photosynthesis and respiration of some freshwater phytoplankton. 

Anne Cleveland Forcella (1966). Some aspects of the biochemistry and ecology of the copepod Diaptomus novamexicanus from Castle Lake.

Robin Christopher Lenn (1966). Primary productivity in a thermal spring.

David Thomas Mason (1961). The growth response of Artemia salina (L.) Leach to various feeding regimes.