Grow Your Own Festival - South Lake Tahoe

plant sales at the GYO festival

Event Date

Tallac Historic Site, South Lake Tahoe, CA

Want to grow your own fruits and vegetables here in Tahoe? Make sure you learn the tricks, the environmentally-friendly ways, and the science-based methods for gardening at high elevation by attending one of the two community garden days in May and June. Participants receive instruction on cultivation techniques, history/background on the plants being highlighted, various strategies to apply based on their local growing environment, and can take home specially selected plants for the Tahoe garden. These are family-friendly workshops, with opportunities to get acquainted with growing fruits and vegetables. All workshops are in collaboration with UCCE Lake Tahoe Master Gardeners and the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC). 

The 2025 Grow Your Own Community Gardening Festival will feature Lake Tahoe Master Gardeners, UC Davis TERC staff and volunteers onsite to provide garden fun for the whole family. 

Organic compost (the garden's black gold) is generously being donated from Full Circle Compost for all participants. Bring your own bucket, bag, or container of your choice to take home compost to boost your soil for happier and healthier plants. 

This community garden festival will pack in the fun, come on out and check it out!