2011 Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Andrews, S.W., D. M. Nover, J. E. Reuter, and S.G. Schladow. 2011. Limitations of laser diffraction for measuring fine particles in oligotrophic systems: Pitfalls and potential solutions, Water Resour. Res., 47, W05523, doi:10.1029/2010WR009837. 12 pp.

Andrews, S. W., D. M. Nover, K. E. Reardon, J. E. Reuter, and S. G. Schladow. 2011, The influence of ambient light intensity on in situ laser diffractometers, Water Resour. Res., 47, W06509, doi:10.1029/2010WR009841. 10 pp.

Bisiaux, M. M., R. Edwards, A. Heyvaert, J. Thomas, B. Fitzgerald, R. Susfalk, S. G. Schladow and M. Thaw. 2011. Stormwater and fire as sources of black carbon nanoparticles to Lake Tahoe. Journal, Environmental Science and Technology, 45(6): 2065-2071.

Forrest, A.L., H. O. Andradottir and B. E. Laval. 2011. Preconditioning of an Underflow During Ice-Breakup in a Subarctic Lake. Aquatic Sciences

Maloney, P.E.  2011. Incidence and distribution of white pine blister rust in the high-elevation forests of California. Forest Pathology, 41: 308-316.

Maloney, P.E., D.R. Vogler, A.J. Eckert, C.E. Jensen, D.B. Neale. 2011.  Population biology of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.) with reference to historical disturbances in the Lake Tahoe Basin: Implications for restoration. Forest Ecology and Management, 262: 770-779.

Moore, R.D., J. Richards and A. L. Forrest. 2011. Late-summer thermal regime of a small proglacial lake. Hydrological Processes (submitted).

Oliver, A.A., J.E Reuter, A.C. Heyvaert and R.A. Dahlgren. 2011. Water quality response to the Angora Fire, Lake Tahoe, California. Biogeochemistry. 1-16 pp. DOI10.1007/s10533-011-9657-0.

Richards, J., R. D. Moore and A. L. Forrest. 2011. Late-summer thermal regime of a small proglacial lake. In Press, Hydrological Processes. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hyp.8360 

Sahoo, G.B., S.G. Schladow, J.E. Reuter and R. Coats. 2011. Effects of Climate Change on Thermal Properties of Lakes and Reservoirs, and Possible Implications. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA), vol. 25: 445-456. 

Sahoo, G.B. 2011. Forecasting Stream Temperature Using Adaptive Neuron-Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Network Models,H428. In Press. In Artificial Neural Networks. Nova Publisher, New York. ISBN: 978-1-61761-553-5.

Winder, M., A.D. Jassby and R. Mac Nally. 2011. Synergies between climate anomalies and hydrological modifications facilitate estuarine biotic invasions. Ecology Letters, 14: 749–757 DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01635.x.