December 5, 2013: Winter Wildlife Survival Strategies, with Will Richardson, Tahoe Institute for Natural Science
November 14, 2013: Just Downstream: Water Culture & Water Governance at Pyramid Lake, with Kate Berry, University of Nevada Reno
October 24, 2013: Toxins Everywhere! Developing Tools to Detect Harmful Chemicals with Candace Spier Bever, Jennifer Brennan and Amy Rand, UC Davis Superfund Research Program
September 19, 2013: What's in your Extra Virgin Olive Oil? with Dr. Selina Wang, UC Davis Olive Center
August 22, 2013: Latest findings on effects of intervention on the youngest children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with Dr. Sally Rogers, The M.I.N.D. Institute, UC Davis Medical Center
August 7, 2013: State of the Lake with Dr. Geoff Schladow, UC Davis TERC
July 17, 2013: New Standards - A Peek at the Future of Math, Language Arts, and Science Education with Rick Pomeroy, UC Davis School of Education and David Crowther, University of Nevada, Reno
June 7, 2013: The Impact of Climatic Change and Global Warming on Inland Waters of the World with Dr. Charles Goldman
April 18, 2013: The Art of the Anthropocene with William L. Fox
March 11, 2013: Meditation Workshop & Neuroscience Research About the Positive Effects of Meditation with Dr. Clifford Saron
March 5, 2013: Top 10 Nutrition and Exercise Tips with Jill Whisler, RD and Wendy Buchanan, MS
February 12, 2013: Winter Birds of the Region with Kirk Hardie, Tahoe Institute for Natural Science
January 31, 2013: ARkStorm Impacts at Lake Tahoe? with Dale Cox and Michael Dettinger, USGS